In terms of security, the West Cameroon region is free from any disturbances linked to the conflict between Anglophone nationals from the South-West and North-West regions and the government. It’s a calm and safe region. Nevertheless, it is advisable to travel at night as little as possible, to be cautious in all circumstances, and to avoid displaying ostentatious wealth.
As far as health is concerned, the main recommendation is not to drink tap water, as it is not filtered. There are stores and small supermarkets in every town and village in the West to stock up on water if you don’t have a filtered flask. There are also plenty of pharmacies to help with any ailments you may have. In addition, because of the altitude, there are very few mosquitoes in the region, making malaria a rare occurrence. Nevertheless, it is advisable to take preventive treatment (check with your personal physician before departure). Emergency numbers are as follows:
118 : Firefighters
117 : Gendarmerie