
Dschang is home to a number of significant Bamiliké art sites, where skills have been preserved over the years. The first stop is the Dschang craft center, opened in 2010 as a showcase for Cameroonian crafts. Close to the Museum of Civilization, the center offers a panoply of products made by local craftsmen, as well as GICAD, a sculpture center offering masks, seats and objects of all kinds. In the village of Zimpouet, sculptor Tato and weaver Tananzeu are a real curiosity in the countryside. Last but not least, the entrance to Marché A, with its three traditional huts, is a perfect example of the traditional Bamiléké hut (with conical roofs). The mural art depicts moments of daily life, not forgetting the market held daily in front of the building next to the Dschang tourist office. Located around 3 km from the town, the Balefang forge is a family-run unit specializing in the production of hand tools (machetes, knives, spoons, hoes, etc.). The workshop is open to the public. Don’t miss Crefissac, a craft and training workshop specializing in wickerwork produced exclusively by blind people.